Using Hashtags for Online Dating Social Media
5 top tips on how to promote your white label and private label dating site.
Online dating site keywords are one of the most expensive keywords you can buy, and the competition is just way too much. You can pay as much as £15 per click for even some regional keywords. To save yourself some money and drive traffic to you dating site, the following quick tips may help you. Most of the tips will not bring you direct traffic but they will help boost your site ranking and therefore the organic traffic.

Online Dating Top Marketing Tips

1. Guest Blog Posting. Try and get yourself accepted as a guest poster at some of the leading dating blogposts and dating directories, you will get powerful and credible links and traffic that way. You run a white label dating business so you know your business model – by giving advice you are considered an expert.
2. Dating Forums. This is another effective way to build traffic and residual traffic. Contribute to online dating forums by being helpful and informative. Again it is about giving advice.
3. Blog Commenting. Contributing to a blog as a guest poster is not the only way to benefit from blogs, commenting can be as effective as well as long as your comments are sensible and contain a decent word count, I would suggest about 150 words will qualify as a good blog comment. But remember do not get involved in arguments, express an opinion but don’t be too opinionated.

Social Media For Dating

4. Social Media. You would think by now ever single business and individual on the internet has a Facebook page, but surprisingly a staggering number of businesses don’t. If you dating site is one of the few businesses without Facebook page, you must establish one without delay. It will not just provide you with some traffic but it will also boost your SEO ranking and online credibility.
As you’re a business do not forget LinkedIn – take the attitude that all traffic is good traffic and as a brand you need to push and get “it” out there. If you’re writing blogs and articles – set yourself up as a publisher and push them out. Create links from Twitter and follow all the Online Dating Site Directories – people like to express an opinion and also be asked, so don’t just state the obvious – engage with your users.

Be a Dating Blogger

5. Your Own Dating Blog. You need to think about a blog attached to your dating site. Having that blog as a part of your online dating site works better than having it hosted by third party such as WordPress or BlogSpot. Talk to your White Label Dating supplier or Dating Factory account manager about this.
Post articles that relates to your online dating niche in the blog for example if you dating site is for single parents, post informative articles about single parents and dating there.
Over all, it will improve your site ranking and potentially it could bring you new sign ups as long as you do all in unison, comment, write and engage, ask questions and most importantly – listen.
This is how Dating Factory do it –
Twitter –
Facebook –
LinkedIn –

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Snapchat For Your White Label Dating Website
The Top 15 Social Networks You Should Be Using For Your Dating Sites