is a great example for any dating affiliate of how to create a successful dating site.

That said, the company have taken years to hone their business model and website design into what it is today: one of the most successful dating sites in the world.

Now, boasts over 24 million visitors a month, along with more than 10.9 million subscription members worldwide.

With this much traffic and membership, it’s fair to say knows a thing or two about dating websites! Creating your own profitable dating site isn’t as hard as you may think.

In today’s article we’ll walk you through the elements that have brought about success. And…we’ll tell you how to use those strategies to create your own successful dating website. 

How Partnering with Dating Factory Helps Dating Affiliates

The initial costs for setting up your own branded dating site can be pricey. You will need to invest in a domain, hosting services not forgetting a web/ graphic designer. Unless of are skilled in these areas yourself. 

You will also have to run the logistics of the business such as customer care.

Apart from offering a cheaper alternative by saving you on costly website costs, white label solutions such as Dating Factory, also saves you a great deal of time.

Time which quite frankly can be used to better your content strategy and drive traffic to your own branded dating site. 

What’s more, Dating Factory manages the logistical side of your business for you, such as payments, security and customer care.

One factor that has proven a success for is time. Time that has allowed the company to hone and fine tune their business model.

For dating affiliates new to the industry, partnering with a white label company will give you leverage (in the online dating industry) that can take years to acquire.

For example at Dating Factory,  you can design your dating website using our advanced technology and niche backed templates.  You will also benefit from 1:1 expert advice and tips to increase your profits. Business Model: How Dating Affiliates Make Money

There are few business models available to dating affiliates in terms of generating revenue streams.  However, the most popular one in the online dating stratosphere is the revered monthly subscriptions.  

As a dating affiliate you can create a successful dating site by offering free sign up.  And make money by charging a membership subscription fee to unlock exclusive features. 

Did you know: (Up to and including) the 4th quarter of 2020, generated revenue of $651.41 million? And can you guess where the majority of their profits came from?

That’s right.

Monthly subscriptions. 

*source: Statista

Shared Membership Database

No one in the history of love signs up to a dating site to chat and date themselves! The online dating business works similarly to social media, in that people sign up to interact socially (as well as find love or sex).

What determines a dating site’s success is: how many people are using it. 

Through popular dating sites such as Plenty Of Fish, OK Cupid, Hinge, and Tinder (all of which are owned by they account for 25% of the market share. have been able to keep their users engaged. 

Should you decide to partner with Dating Factory, you will have exclusive access to our pre-populated pooled database.

This means, even your very first sign up will have a number of options to keep them engaged on your site. Thus generating traffic to your site and making you money. 

But it must be noted, to have a successful dating site reaching the dizzying heights of, there is no such thing as too much traffic. Later in this article, we  will iron out tips and strategies to drive traffic to your very own branded dating site.

How Niche Dating Can Help Dating Affiliates Become Successful Like

Unlike who cater to a general dating market, here’s what is going to make your dating site a success.  Choosing a niche i.e. disabled or extramarital dating.  We have a few articles about niche dating as well as success stories so we won’t get into that here.  

What we will say is: By focusing on a specific niche, you can build trust, credibility and most importantly… a community. 

Furthermore targeting one niche will make room for you to become an authority and engage your users. This strategy is sure to drive traffic to your dating site and maximise your ROI’s. 

How to Drive Traffic to Your Dating Website

To have a dating site as successful as, people need to know your dating site is out there. Partnering with a white label company such as Dating Factory will give you exclusive access to a pooled database. But, as we said, you can never have too much traffic to your dating website.  More traffic = more profits for you. 

Here are three strategies you can use to drive traffic to your dating website. 

Paid Ads 

Dating affiliates can create a successful dating site like and drive traffic using ads such as Google Ads. Use adverts to target the very people who are likely to sign up to your Dating Factory powered dating website!


Can users interested in dating find your dating website? To get your brand out there and drive organic traffic to your site,  you will need to rank high in Google (and other search engine) results.

The best way to go about that, is to implement a basic SEO into your content marketing strategy.  You will need to ensure your content is optimised for keywords relevant to your niche. 

Social Media success is accredited in part to their high engagement rates and you can use social media to both drive traffic to your site and ramp up interaction with your audience. Whether you use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube or another platform you can use this awesome source to skyrocket your traffic and increase your earnings.  

For more tips on driving traffic to your own branded dating website, then check out this post

Final Takeaway are giants in the dating industry, that is undeniable.  Much of their success and profits have come from their membership subscriptions. Though their dating brands are hugely popular, they mostly cater to a general market. 

You can create a successful dating site like by focusing on a particular niche and become a credible brand.  With billions of engaged users on social networks, you have the free tools (and paid) at your disposal to drive quality traffic to your site and make money.

What’s more,  if you partner with Dating Factory, you will have immediate access to engaged users –  and thus traffic…the moment  go live. 

Click here to learn more.