Dating Factory would l like to thank the organizers of the Phoenix Forum for a fun and productive event. Thanks also to those of you who met with members of our US-based team in Phoenix, we enjoyed meeting you in person.
If you missed the show, the Phoenix Forum took place last week in Tempe, Arizona, with approximately 1000 attendees from all over the world meeting to talk business under beautiful clear blue skies. The weather was phenomenal, and our hosts did a fantastic job organizing the event.
Over the course of several days, we had an opportunity to meet with both existing partners as well as new potential partners interested in running their own niche dating websites. The reception we received was very positive, with so many of the attendees excited at the prospect of sending traffic to their own dating sites as opposed to sending traffic through affiliate programs.
If you missed us in Phoenix but want to talk with our team about getting your own white label dating sites, please click on the Contact Us link at the top of the page.
Thanks again to the wonderful staff at The Phoenix Forum, and all the great people we had the pleasure to meet in Tempe last week. And a big welcome to our new partners, we’re pleased to have you all on board.