Some best practices and online marketing advice are timeless, others change as frequently as Twitter does. This amazing 140 character microblog is useful for growing a database, driving clicks to your dating site, finding new online business opportunities or just telling the world about your new online business. So here are 10 top tips that will help you improve your efforts for marketing your white label dating site and your Twitter profile in 2015.
Twitter for white and private label dating
1) Keep tweets short and concise – Tweets that are around 100 characters get the most retweets and replies and also leave room for people to add comments and thoughts. Maybe welcome new members to your online dating site or tell your followers about your new online products.
#How to make money online…
2) Don’t overuse hashtags – We’ve all seen it, a one or two word tweet with ten irrelevant and meaningless hashtags. It is not needed and they’re not helping you communicate anything to anyone and to be honest more often than not is meaningless.
3) Use correct hashtags – In addition to not over using the hashtags you’ve created for your dating site, use the hashtags your dating partners may be using (if they differ from your own).
4) Don’t just sell – Engage with your audience first, win them over with your personality, and then when they ask you about your site, it’s not really selling it’s more advising and you build a good reputation.
5) Tweet after lunch – Mornings can get very crowded on Twitter as people try to be “the first” at breaking news or information. You can avoid getting lost in that online noise (and generate more responses) by tweeting in the afternoon. Experiment with different times.
6) Use pictures – Twitter displays images in their timeline, so share away! Visual content always gets more engagement and let’s be honest online dating is a visual thing. Share images of new members (with their permission first of course).
7) Get your links in first – Put links early in your tweets. You don’t want anyone to miss your important information! And you want people to click to your white label dating site – right? Treat this as your “call to action”, if you’re a private label dating site looking for more members then make sure people know that is what the link is.
Listen to your dating partners
8) Pay attention and listen – People are probably talking about your niche dating site. Use search to check things out and don’t be afraid to join in the conversation. It’s about you remember!
Don’t be afraid to follow your fellow dating sites
9) Tweet your peers and colleagues – They’re people you know. Reach out just to say hi or ask about something they tweeted earlier in the week. It shows you care and want to keep those followers happy. Ask your online dating database questions!
10) Be yourself – Have fun! It’s okay to have fun on Twitter and people will respond to your enthusiasm. Social content marketing is about being informative, enthusiastic and relevant.