Hi everyone,
Well it looks like summer has arrived (at least here in the UK), so we want to bring some sunshine of our own into your lives. It’s been a busy year so far at DatingFactory HQ and we would like to use this summer newsletter to share some of our progress with you so that you can see how hard we are working for you in order to continuously improve our dating platform and services.
Dating Factory’s Promo Tools
As we hope you will most likely be aware, we are always looking to add new promo tools that help you to maximise your conversions and revenue as well as improve the existing ones. So, here we have two more improvements to promo tools that you should take some time to familiarise yourself with.
a. Mailing Kits: We have prepared a number of emails that you can send to your members with very little effort. These can be used for cross selling and are already written and translated for you. Perfect if you have your own email database and want to drive traffic to your dating site from your DB. We do the work, so you don’t have to.
b: Chat tool: You may already be using the chat tool, but if you aren’t please check it out and try it. It basically pops up like a chat window with a virtual chat message and is very effective in driving traffic to your site from external sites. Please have a look today.
And there’s more…
The Chat tool is customisable (as is the Quiz tool). You have multiple ways in which you can customise the tool. Check it out for yourself.We spend a lot of time and effort in making these dating promo tools so that you can make more money. So, let’s get using them and give your dating revenue a boost!
Dating Factory’s New Dating Templates
Variety is the spice of life apparently, so to spice up your life we have thrown a few more templates into the mix so you can have more variation between your sites. But, we’ll warn you in advance… these are pretty hot and particularly bold, so be prepared.
Amongst the new templates you will find that new badges have been added to the previews so that you can easily identify which templates is a responsive design and which contains video for example. Yeah, we thought you would like that.
The Top Online Dating Niche Markets
During the process of creating a site you will notice that we are now highlighting the top performing niche markets for you, so please make the best use of this super new function. We want to help guide you towards the most profitable markets. Yes, that’s us thinking about your bottom line again. You’re welcome.
Additional Users for your Dating Account
And here’s one you’ve all been waiting for. Some of our clients have said it would be very useful to have multiple logins so that they can give a separate login to their web designer for example without having to give the designer access to the financial reports. So, we did it.
Yes, you see, you only had to ask.
Women can be the lifeblood of your site
One thing that makes today’s online marketing channels very appealing and seriously effective is the ability to target your efforts quite specifically. And because of this, it is very easy to drive male users towards your online dating site for example. After all, those are the ones that convert into paying subscribers, so why wouldn’t you focus on them?
Well folks, whilst that is very true, there is also a seriously good reason to also drive female traffic as part of your marketing mix. We could probably use an analogy here: “Fill a bar with women and guys will soon work out that’s the place to be.” And it’s true. If you can drive female members into your site (and keep in mind they get some level of free access and communication) then you will be supporting your overall marketing efforts by ensuring high levels of engagement with men. So, don’t forget the ladies. The appeal of free communication in your marketing campaigns should encourage them onboard.
Well that’s all for now everyone. Have a fantastic summer and let’s keep on growing together.
Wishing you wealth, success and all the best,
Daniel Smith
Head of Partners and Affiliates