“I’ve just been on a once in a lifetime holiday. I tell you what, never again!!” (Tim Vine – comedian)
It’s been a while since I did this, so apologise to my avid reader, you can come back now. Does this long pause make me a rubbish blogger? Well it probably does really; however the challenge when writing a blog about “white label dating” is that it’s difficult not to keep repeating yourself. That’s exactly what I found myself doing. So using the World Cup, Summer Holidays, I’m busy and faking creative exhaustion, I’ve pushed this out in front of me. If I’ve got the whole world to blog about there are millions things everyday to bang on about and be interesting and witty. If it’s the dating industry, not that much happens that requires comment of any kind.
Even the industry’s most eminent Blogger, David Evans, has been suffering from repetition and writers block. We talked about this the last few days and he managed to crank out a post last night, well done David.
You see it’s not necessarily that I can’t write, I love writing but at some point material starts to just go around and around. What I need is a creative pool of suggested subject matter, there are precedents for this. When Pink Floyd wrote the seminal Dark Side of the Moon album in the early seventies, they got together in a room and came up with a list of words and phrases describing the angst of the time. Roger Waters then took this, early Tag Cloud, and went off and wrote the lyrics for the songs. When I started I too had my own tag cloud, and I’ve run out of tags and sub tags, hence the pause in blogging, I was really busy as well of course!
Subject Matter
So how do we keep a flow of good subject matter to write about? As we are an internet company the newest fad du jour in the internet is Crowdsourcing. It’s so new that Word’s spell checker still sees it as a typo. It’s basically outsourcing a task to your audience, some may call this freeloading but I like to see it as audience involvement. What do you see as the issues and challenges facing you as marketers in the dating industry? Answers in the comments section of this blog and I’ll do my best to do them justice.
My personal favourite subject right now is mobile and if the end users want this as part of their dating options or is it something that’s seen by providers as a sizzle factor to attract investors? As we are a technology company we have to look to providing a solution for this, but it’s a big investment if no one uses it. So watch for my post on that hot on the heels of this one. The Premiership has started again but I’ll try and not let it distract me too much, being a Newcastle United fan is like being the parent of the fat kid on sports day, you go there with unjustified aspirations only to have them dashed as he’s lapped in the egg and spoon race.